Do you have, or know someone with a debilitating mental illness? Please leave a comment and share your coping strategies, success stories, advice for others & support group information. Mental illness is no joke, and you may be saving a life. Thanks!
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Mood disorders
- Eating disorders
- Impulse control and addiction disorders
- Personality disorders
- Obsessive-compulsive disorder
- Post-traumatic stress disorder
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I am living with Anxiety, Depression, and PTSD. There are good days and bad days. My whole living space looks like a bomb blew up, and despite being a neat person who is extremely organized, I can't do it.
All of these years since certain events have happened, my life has stood still. I never felt like I made progress, I just kind of survived each day, and that's okay. I'm still here. Maybe it's because I'm a chicken, maybe because I'm a gamer and I hate game over. But through the nightmares and the inability to even get out of bed some days beyond bathroom and snack runs, I still had good days.
Finding things to help enjoy each day is key. Small things like self care (hair/face masques, nail polish, shaving) started to remind me to take care of my flesh bag. Cooking ended up being a second step, even if it was something simple like eggs. Making birdie bread for my rescue parrot was also a step that greatly benefitted both of us. Having that slight sense of accomplishment was very encouraging, especially when she demolished each piece within minutes.
It is important to find that one thing that makes you feel okay. Try new things, eat new foods, go to a discount book store and grab something that looks cool, go on a walk near a dog park or volunteer at an animal shelter. It's the little things that help you escape from whatever is dragging you down that help you cope in the background of your brain.
I've exhausted most of my words energy but I will attempt to write more useful things here and answer questions if anyone has any.