David D .
Parfois, être « en contrôle » peut être une illusion qui promet la liberté mais nous empêche en fait d'avancer dans la vie. J'ai découvert que face à n'importe quel type de dépendance ou à tout ce qui nous retient, "l'abandon" est le chemin vers la vraie liberté. Le genre de liberté qui vient quand on se débarrasse de chaînes qui semblaient impossibles à briser. Pour moi, la réponse est venue dans un simple verset biblique Romains 12:2. Le renouvellement de notre esprit commence par remettre l'ancien et devenir prêt à faire des changements en profondeur. Je ne peux parler que de mon expérience. Une fois que j'étais prêt à travailler, ma vie a été complètement transformée. Une vie transformée transforme d'autres vies. C'est un voyage incroyable. Je rends grâce à Dieu qui m'a sauvé chaque jour. Paix

TT Quick a commencé sur le circuit très compétitif de la musique de couverture du groupe de bar du New Jersey. En 1983 Jon Zazula a commencé l'emblématique Dossiers Megaforce label, signant TT Quick, ainsi que Metallica , Anthrax et Exagéré et plusieurs autres. Le groupe sortira son premier EP éponyme sur l'empreinte Avalanche de la filiale de Megaforce en 1984, après quoi le batteur Glenn Evans est parti pour rejoindre Assaut Nucléaire . En 1985, TT Quick a contribué la coupe non-EP "A Wing & A Prayer" à la compilation From The Megavault Megaforce. Le très apprécié album Metal Of Honor avec Erik Ferro à la batterie suivra en 1986.
Après une accalmie de plusieurs années, la sortie de la réunion Sloppy Seconds fera ses débuts sur le label Halycon en 1989 pour être suivie de l'opus Thrown Together Live en 1992. Une rupture et des retrouvailles produiront le CD intitulé Ink en 2000.
Le guitariste Dave DiPietro rejoindrait les camarades du label Halycon Prophète sur leur sortie de 1991 Recycled avant de retrouver Glenn Evans dans Nuclear Assault et d'apparaître sur 1993 Quelque chose de méchant ainsi que des tournées aux États-Unis et en Europe pour soutenir l'album.
Reconnu comme un joueur hors pair, le guitariste Dave DiPietro s'est notamment démarqué comme un mentor pour Zakk Wylde et Dave Sabo qui jouera plus tard avec Ozzy Osbourne et Skid Row respectivement.
others. In July 2010 he attended the Barklee Summer clinics of Umbria Jazz where he took the opportunity to study with teachers such as Ron Savage, Jon Damian to name a few.
Since September 2010 Mirkko began to play with the band MIND KEY (Frontiers Records) with whom he has performed in sevaral live shows; worthy of mention is the Power Prog & Metal Festival in Mons, Belgium supporting legendary bands like Europe, Hammerfall, Rage, Edguy, Vanden Plas, Gamma Ray, and many others.
In April and May 2012 he went on tour with the hard rock progressive band STAMINA (Ice Warrior Records), as headliner for the first leg of the tour in Italy (Salerno, Pisa and Rome), Germany (Munich) and Austria (Kufstein), and opening act for the Danish band ROYAL HUNT during the second leg of the tour (May) in Holland (Kerkrade), Madrid (Spain), Barcelona (Spain) and again in Italy (Romagnano Sesia- Novara).
With Stamina Mirkko also recorded a bunch of songs on their album “Perseverance” which features artists like Goran Edman (Yngwie Malmsteen, Karmakanic) and Maria McTurk (Royal Hunt).
He also appeared on Vivaldi Metal Project I & II (2015 and 2022), a project created by Giuseppe Lampieri "Maestro Mistheria" which includes some of the biggest names in the metal and hard rock music world, such as Rick Wakeman, Mike Portnoy, Fabio Lione, Steve Di Giorgio, Mark Boals, Maestro Mistheria, Marco Sfogli and many more.
In 2015 De Maio has joined the band HANGARVAIN (Volcano Records), a rock band with whom he performed in and outside Italy. With HANGARVAIN he also recorded in July 2015 the album "FREAKS" (released in February 2016) which it has been promoted in early 2016 with three European and Italian tours as headliner (Spain) and as opening act for Gilby Clarke (Guns 'n' Roses) and LA Guns, in Kiev (Ukraine) with the US band Skillets, and again in Italy with The Darkness. In 2018 Hangarvain recorded EP “Roots & Returns” and started a new tour in Italy, Ukraine and Latvia.
After the tour Mirkko friendly left the band Hangarvain.
On August 2018 Mirkko De Maio has officially joined the legendary swedish rock progressive band THE FLOWER KINGS of Roine Stolt (Transatlantic,Steve Hackett, The Sea Within, Kaipa DC). With The Flower Kings he toured all over South America (Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Peru), Mexico (Guadelajara, Mexico City), Europe (Sweden, Norway, Germany, The Netherlands, Switzerland, France, UK) and in 2019 Canada (Montreal, Quebec City).
On July 8th MIND KEY have released the new album called “MKIII: Aliens In Wonderland” (Frontiers Records).
During summer of 2019 Mirkko recorded the new THE FLOWER KINGS’s album “Waiting For Miracles” (InsideOut Music/Sony) at Riksmixningsverket of Benny Andersson (ABBA) in Stockholm, Sweden. "Waiting For Miracles" has been released on the 8th of November 2019. After some successful concerts in Japan (Kawasaki/ Tokyo) on February 2020 The Flower Kings have been nominated as best Hard Rock & Metal band at annual Swedish Grammy gala.
In 2020 Mirkko has been feautured on Modern Drummer, the world’s most prestigious drums magazine.
During Covid-19 all concerts have been postponed or cancelled, so The Flower Kings decided to invest that "free time" to make new music (after less than one year from previous album) and record a new album in our home studios. That's how the album called "Islands" was born. Worth to mention that album’s cover art has been made by the amazing Roger Dean (Yes, Uriah Heep, Asia).
Between 2020 and 2021 Mirkko has recorded the album "Spiritus Mundi" with Nad Sylvan (Steve Hackett’s band Genesis Revisited, Agents Of Mercy), Vivaldi Metal Project II, Chalice Of Sin with Wade Black on vocals (Frontiers Records), The Grandmaster with Jens Ludwig on guitars, Nando Fernandes on vocal and Alessandro Del Vecchio on keyboards and bass (Frontiers Records).
Mirkko owns DrumHell drum studio where he does any kind of recording sessions.
Mirkko is an international official endorser of TAMA drums and hardware, ISTANBUL AGOP cymbals.
He's also a national (Italy) official endorser of VIC FIRTH drumsticks, REMO drumheads thanks to ARAMINI Srl.

À propos de moi